Task 1
Gripping with thumb and index
4 fingers on one side of the
object, thumb on the other side
4 fingers curled around the
object which is small, thin and long, and thumb curled in contact will other
palm and 4 fingers curl around
the object
Index and middle finger
(pinching) / Middle finger and 4th finger (pinching)
Sides of 2 palms touching each
other (scooping)
Task 2
Description: a ruler is placed on the upper
part of the left palm nearer to the fingers; 4 fingers wrap around the upper part
of the ruler (all fingers are packed closely together with no gaps in between the
fingers); thumb is placed on the other side of the ruler diagonally opposite
the pointer finger, leaving a gap between the pointer finger and the thumb.
Task 4
Differences between gorilla’s and human’s
Have more fur
Have some hair
Wider fingers
Thinner fingers
Black skin
Beige or brown skin
Differences between gorilla’s and human’s
Big toe sticks out from the side
Toes are all packed next to one another
Toes are long and thin (some are as long
as human’s fingers)
Toes are short and fat
How gorillas use their hands and arms to

Picture taken from: http://semanticweb.com/semantic-enterprise-what-are-the-gorillas-doing-oracle-ibm-hp-cisco-microsoft-and-sap_b710
Gorillas use their 4 limbs to
move most of the time. Hence, they are in a stooping position.
Gorillas can stand on their two
hind limbs for a rather short period of time.
Typically, they move with the
back of their palms pressed against the ground with their hands clenched into a
When they are standing on their
four limbs only for a short period of time, they place their hands on the
ground with fingers spreading out to support their body.
Their whole feet will be in
contact with the ground as they move.
New things I have learnt today - 3 July 2012!
There is a huge gap between the human's
thumb and pointer finger. This is called opposable
thumb which helps to facilitate moments of the fingers. In the case of gorillas,
they have a thumb sticking out from the side as there is a gap between it’s big
toe and 2nd toe. The big toe may be a opposable toe which serves as
the same purpose as the opposable thumb for humans.
Some monkeys have a prehensile tail to
help with balance and to grip things.
For example, some monkeys use their tails to swing from tree to tree.
Having a prehensile tail allows the
monkeys to grip tightly onto the branches of the tree to prevent them from
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